Q.1 How can I become KVC Alumni Network active user, if I am a degree holder from Indian Agricultural Education University?
Yes, this network is purely intended for Alumni association from ICAR University, it would be a great platform for them, to leverage its full potential.
Q.2 I have forgot the password of KVC Alumni Network. What can I do now? How can I reset my forgotten password?
In case, you happen to miss out on your password, as it is normal, we often don’t recall and it is forgotten, all of sudden then you are advised to click on an option available that can reset your password easily.
First you have to bring it to notice of the ICAR University and submit your request. You can type in your e-mail address details that you have registered for the very first time from the Log in button. We will send you an immediate e-mail straight, into your inbox within seconds with an active link, to generate a new password.
Q.3 What are the benefits of being an Alumnus?
Alumni Network opens up a virtual space of social networking, between Alumni of ICAR university that activate engaged community, intuitive interaction; for sharing of invaluable vital information, that expand professional network, to develop resources, for progress in skills.
Q.4 How can I join KVC Alumni Network and create a Group?
The KVC ALNET has three modules in it namely-
University Admin
College Admin
Registered User
These are the three different modules as well as we can say the three types of users for this KVC Alumni Portal. Registered User are all the users who would be registering and using this website.
Q.5 What are benefits of KVC Alumni Network in strengthening the roles and various responsibilities of Alma matter, in shaping the future of ICAR University?
Alumni Network members will be well informed of all the minute to major updates, of ICAR 74 University, at a single platform, this will multiply in their progress of obtaining knowledge, on various ICAR university research.
Q.6 What is the significance of KVC Alumni Network contact group?
By creating a group, user can effectively get in touch with their fellow alumni who can still be in touch with ICAR University.
This creates an engaged interconnected association with other potential members, giving an open access to view the profile of different alumni, belonging to different geographic locations globally.
Instant notifications enhance real-time connections between members Alumni with two way exchange of messages.
Q.7 Who is going to manage, coordinate and monitor the Admin Roles?
Answer. University Admin is the main authoritative person. He/She will be given all the rights to manage the Alumni Portal.
Q.8 I have already registered in the KVC Alumni Network Portal via my Gmail Account but still have not received any notification of email confirmation of Login password?
In this situation, you are advised to contact the University Admin of Alumni Network through email.
Q.9 How can an existing Alumni get an information in this Portal whether his profile information is already uploaded by University Admin?
An Alumni is able to access his personal profile information in Alumni Network, as soon as he register in Alumni Network.
He would be able to see, his existing information that can be further edited and modified, as the user likes. He/She can then click various options and register to complete his profile relevant details such as email name, date of birth address and discipline etc.
Q.10 How can one become a Verified user in the KVC Alumni Network after a successful registration?
There two kind of registered users, “verified” and, “unverified” in KVC Alumni Network. For “unverified users”, although the profile is created but the access to information is limited to Basic Info and Contact Info only where the Login user can only Edit Profile, Add Qualification, Add Work Profile, Add Skills, and Profile Summary.
But as soon as the, “Registered Users”, is approved by the University Admin he/she then becomes a Verified user getting authentic access to available menu.