About Us

Alumni Network is a social network portal, designed & developed by the Division of Computer Application team at ICAR-IASRI, to enrich the progress of Indian Agricultural Universities.

This portal is a medium to get connected globally, for sharing of information, networking among alumni, providing wide-array of networking opportunities, for updates of activities & events.

Offering an exclusive opportunity to meet alumni, employers, industry leaders, passed out colleagues, “KVC Alumni Network”, facilitate the expansion of professional network, for individuals, to stay in touch with their fellow alumni, from various fields of expertise.

Developed to foster communication for easy exchange of information, this provides, its alumni a virtual opportunity, to get in touch in real-time, for harnessing good relationships, develop resources, progress skills and profit from the expertise of others.

Reshuffling effective communications between alumni, faculty, and students of 74 Indian agricultural universities, it provides, a better management of agricultural education system, its engagement and comprehensive understanding.

Augmented collaboration among Alumni, thus enhance quality professional linkages that speed-up their research, in agriculture education manifold.

Besides ubiquitous educational access, this platform enables users, to explore universities under ICAR Alumni Network, as they can be notified of any timely update, of all the recent happenings, in Alumni network.

Distant Alumni, keep in touch with the progress of the university, as they can initiate exchange of messages, in the network between, groups of different demographic location and interests.​